Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Calendar problem

Some non-catholic countries such as Britain refused to adopt the Gregorian calendar at first. The julian calendar previously used in Britain was based on a solar year, the time taken for the earth to rotate around the sun. This is 365.25 days, which is fractionally too long (395.24219), so the calendar steadily fell out of line with the seasons. In 1752 Britain decided to correct this by abandoning the julian calendar in favour of the Gregorian calendar. By doing so, 3 September instantly became 14 September – and, as a result nothing whatsoever happened in british history between 3 and 13 september 1752. Many people believed their lives would be shortened. They protested in the streets, demanding,”Give us back our 11 days”.


Krish said...

wat d heck yar!!!
how can people protest on dis!! i mean how can a change in calender shorten their lives???? on paper, they actually live longer by 11 days! but interesting to know all d same!


smith said...

The shape 카지노사이트 of these systems is often small however constant losses adopted by occasional huge wins